Monday, July 29, 2024

Native SVG Support, Saving to WebP and HEIF, plus editing of PDF Annotations and Form Fields in ImageEn v13.5.0

We have now released ImageEn, v13.5.0, the latest update to our image editing and display library for Delphi/C++Builder, and IEVision Advanced Tools Add-on 8.1.3. 
Learn more about ImageEn, and download a trial from: 

Top Ten Enhancements in ImageEn v13.5.0

1. Native support for SVG rendering and importing as layers

2. WebP Plug-in to load and save WebP files, including Lossless

3. PDF Annotation and Form Field editing, including display of selected annotation, moving and positioning, and deletion

4. IO and Proc helper properties for TImage and TBitmap: Instantly add support for loading and saving to all ImageEn formats, all editing operations, plus printing and acquisition

5. Assign methods of ImageEn classes and components all support TGraphic, TImage, TPicture and TBitmap

6. New Cartoonify method

7. Saving to HEIF format now supported (via WIC)

8. Automatic Orientation option when printing images and PDF pages

9. TIEFileListBox support natural, case-insensitive and descending sort options

10. Documentation supports #Tags to make it easier to search common topics

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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Improved IDE integration, PDF Object Editing and Google Vision improvements in ImageEn v13.2.0

 We have now released ImageEn, v13.2.0, the latest update to our image editing and display library for Delphi/C++Builder, and IEVision Advanced Tools Add-on 8.1.1. These updates are free if you purchased a license or extension after 8 May 2023:

Other users can extend their registration for 12 months at:

Top Ten Enhancements in ImageEn v13.2.0

1. Improvements to performance of Debugging Visualizer, plus new features including live viewing of the alpha channel

2. ImageEn now integrates into the IDE including quick access to documentation, demo projects and new releases via the IDE Help menu, and version information in the About Box

3. Many optimizations to ImageEn code including removing all orphaned methods and types

4. New Swirl effect in Previews dialog and Retouch tool

5. Improvements to PDFium support including updating to 125.0.6046.0 (which restores support for Windows 7) and PDF Engine property to control how PDF documents are loaded and saved. PDFium can now be used for all PDF output, including layer exporting

6. Now provides WYSIWYG editing of PDF page objects: Objects can be selected, moved and resized, including support for clipboard

7. Support for reading PNG Chunks for XMP, ICC and EXIF support

8. Document text can be parsed using Google Vision (TIEGoogleVision)

9. TImageEnProc can retrieve and display an array of all the most common colors in an image

10. PDF documents can be printed by page indexes


Learn more about ImageEn, including trial downloads at:

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Local Neural Networks to classify objects, detect text and increase resolution in your images with ImageEn v13.1.0 and IEVision 8.1.0

We have now released ImageEn v13.1.0, the latest update to our image editing and display library for Delphi/C++Builder, and IEVision Advanced Tools Add-on 8.1.0. These updates are free if you purchased or extended in the last 12 months. Download from:

Other users can extend their registration at:


Top Ten Enhancements in ImageEn v13.1.0


1. New TIEEditControls component: A pre-built set of controls for image editing and effects

2. Many improvements to Proc Previews dialog (and effects chain) including support for Transparency and Choma Key removal, and shape cropping

3. Optimizations to speed and stability of ImageEn Debugging Visualizers, plus support for visualizing TBitmap

4. Enhancements to PDFium Plug-in, including font embedding, and adding images, text, lines and shapes to PDF pages

5. ImageEnView allows Rounded and Polygonal selections of any ImageEn shape, e.g. explosions, dinosaurs, stars, etc.

6. TImageEnProc.Crop supports shape cropping

7. Auto-curving property for TIEShapeLayer and TIEPolylineLayer

8. ImageEn can now save legacy layer files (supported by older versions of ImageEn)

9. Enhancements to ImageMagick support: including unicode filenames, multi-frame support and GIF optimization

10. Warp Brush adds alpha channel support

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Top Five Enhancements in IEVision 8.1.0


IEVision is our advanced features add-on for ImageEn. V8.1.0 implements local neural net processing, and more:

1. Support for local neural networks to classify objects, detect text and increase resolution

2. Searchable PDF documents can now be created without images

3. New HAAR classifiers: Eye pair, Nose, Mouth, Stop Sign

4. New method to check successful language loading for OCR

5. Improved exception messages for OCR

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Xequte Software

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Debugging Visualizers, PDF Object Editing, Improved Stitching and OCR, and much more in ImageEn 13.0.0

 We have now released ImageEn, v13.0.0, the latest update to our image editing and display library for Delphi/BCB, and IEVision Advanced Tools Add-on 8.0.0. These updates are free if you purchased a license or extension after 15 November 2022:

Other users can extend their registration for 12 months at:

Top Ten Enhancements in ImageEn v13.0.0

1. ImageEn now includes visualizers that allow you to preview bitmaps, multi-bitmaps, layers, colors and control properties while debugging

2. Fifteen helper methods that with single call allow you to perform advanced tasks with IEVision: Extract text with OCR, find content, detect faces, people and other objects, deskew images, remove backgrounds, stitch photos and documents and create searchable PDF files

3. Many improvements to PDF support to make it the most complete PDFium implementation for Delphi. With v13, objects in PDF pages (images, text or paths) can be parsed, edited and removed. PDF support is now available from Delphi 7

4. PDF pages can be imported as layers, so all objects become editable image, text or polyline layers

5. Enhanced TIERichEdit with new features to save the selected image, insert links, get/set the RTF formatting of a selection and new actions

6. Many new layer features including MoveTo and Closing breaks for TIEPolylineLayer to create more complex shapes, performance optimizations and memory handling improvements with large images, full rotation of formatted text layers, marking of grouped layers, and new vector shapes: Balloon, Link and "Delphi" Gladiator

7. AutoCrop now supports inner cropping to remove all border from rotated or stitched images

8. SVG and WebP are now automatically supported on Delphi 12 if Skia is enabled

9. Four new demos: Find Objects in Image, Screen Capturing, Custom User Interactions and PDF Object editing, plus thirty functions added to "Every Editing Method" demo

10. Zip plug-in also supports ZipX, 7z and Rar

+ Support for Delphi/BCB 12 Athens

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Top Five Enhancements in IEVision 8.0.0

IEVision is our advanced features add-on for ImageEn. V8.0.0 improves OCR, image and photo stitching, and more:

1. OCR now built on Tesseract 5 for greater performance using less system memory, and improved accuracy, particularly with images of low resolution or contrast
2. OCR results can be returned in hOCR, ALTO (XML) and text-seperated value formats
3. Other new OCR features including support for Black and White lists, analysis constructor and confidence values
4. Many enhancements to stitching including new thresholding options and improved performance with documents

5. Other fixes and improvements

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Xequte Software

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Improvements in the Delphi 12 Yukon Beta

Yesterday I downloaded and installed the Delphi 12 Beta. We're hoping to issue an update for our imaging display and editing library in the days after the Delphi 12 release, so I wanted to be sure there were no issues.

The first change that I noticed was the new "Features" dialog:

Which now puts all installation information on the same screen. (This dialog is also available under Tools > Manage Features, so you can easily add functionality later).

I intended to tell you how long it took to complete the installation, but by the time I got back from morning tea it was all done, so at best I can say it was faster than I recall some earlier Delphi versions taking.


The most important feature for me in an IDE is stability, and in this, I have been happy with Delphi 11. It is certainly is one of the the most stable versions I have ever used (I started with Delphi 3). The beta documentation reports resolution of over 700 issues from, but in D11, I only ever encountered a few quirks around searching ("Search Whole Words" always mysteriously enabling, for example).

So those were the first things I tested and I'm glad to report that all those quirks appear to have been resolved, and search itself has been improved.

Here's the new "Find in Files" dialog:

You'll notice the new mask to exclude named sub-directories, which is nice.

Another new feature that I tried was instant code insight.

So you might start typing "image" and it immediately suggests the form's ImageEnView1 control. Click "." to insert it, then the first few letters of the member that you want... This is much quicker than the old Ctrl+Space.

Most importantly, I wanted to test the compilation and running of our ImageEn library, and only encountered one minor change under 64bit that needed resolving (a one minute fix). Also, I noted that EXE size only increased by an insignificant 0.5%, which is pleasing.

That's all that I have for now. I won't be using it as my main IDE until the MMX Code Explorer is updated, but I am excited for the new release.

This blog post is based on a pre-release version of the RAD Studio software and it has been written with specific permission by Embarcadero. No feature is committed until the product GA release.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Warping, Zip support and PDF form field support in ImageEn 12.5.0

 We have now released ImageEn, v12.5.0, the latest update to our image editing and display library for Delphi/BCB, and IEVision Advanced Tools Add-on 7.1.0. These updates are free if you purchased a license or extension after 26 August 2022:

Other users can extend their registration for 12 months at:

A trial of ImageEn is available at:

Top Ten Enhancements in ImageEn 12.5.0

1. New Retouch Tool to warp the image by pushing with the cursor

2. New Selection Tool to warp images using a Thin Plate Spline Shape Transformation (Requires IEVision)

3. Loading of images and extraction of files from Zip files, including support for AES encryption, dynamic thumbnails and zip folders

4. Programmatically read and set the form fields of PDF files

5. Line and Polyline layers support pen styles like dashes and dots (including via the Layer Properties dialog)

6. Automatically prompts for password when opening encrypted PDF and ZIP files (or optionally via an event)

7. Other PDF improvements including document navigating by clicking page links, and validation of the alpha channel when saving to create smaller files

8. Various improvements to internal dialogs, including tab navigation using the mouse wheel, and layout and localization enhancements

9. Dune AAI and OpenRaster ORA formats supported by ImageMagick plug-in

10. TImageEnMView/TImageEnIO support AutoSetBitDepth to optimize bit depth and other properties when saving

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IEVision 7.1.0

IEVision is our advanced features add-on for ImageEn. V7.1.0 implements Thin Plate Spline shape transformations and other improvements.

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Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Enhanced Transitions, Filtering and searching for multiple matches within an Image in ImageEn v12.0.0 and IEVision v7.0.0

We have now released ImageEn, v12.0.0, the latest update to our image editing and display library for Delphi/BCB, and IEVision Advanced Tools Add-on 7.0.0. These updates are free if you purchased a license or extension after 6 March 2022:

Other users can extend their registration for 12 months at:

Top Fifteen Enhancements in ImageEn 12.0.0

1. Many improvements to transition effects, including new zig-zag wipes, custom transitions in TImageEnMView, and a single property to apply transition effect when loading images in TImageEnView

2. Filtering in TImageEnMView by all text fields, file size, image dimensions and dates

3. Enhanced TIEColorPalette with default colors, hue palette, bitmap exporting, and auto selection of closest color

4. Advanced TIECanvas drawing methods for stylized text, shapes, polygons, angles and lines

5. Full VCL theming support for TIEColorCurve, TIEColorPalette, THistogramBox and TImageEnProc.DoPreviews()

6. Improved text editing of TIETextLayers including auto-sizing of editor and support for hard returns

7. TImageEnProc.GetDominantColor() can return a list of most used colors

8. "Large thumbnail style" for TImageEnMView

9. Improved TIEMetaListView with design-time preview and new properties and methods for group headers

10. Many improvements to documentation, including more methods in the ImageEnProc Preview section and more detail in the TImageEnVect to TIELayer Transition Info and Updating and Compatibility sections

11. Updated LibRaw to v0.21.1 to support newer Canon, Nikon, Sony and other camera formats

12. New method to join bitmaps with any overlapping content automatically removed

13. TImageEnProc.CompareWith() supports comparing of image rectangles, and includes a new
coverage parameter to improve performance with large images

14. More built-in vector shapes, such as Flag, Dinosaur and Palm Tree

15. Fifty new methods in Every Editing Method demo, such as: CalcImagePalette, TextOut(), StretchValues, IEVision.inpaint(), etc.

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IEVision 7.0.0

IEVision is our advanced features add-on for ImageEn. V7.0.0 implements the latest OpenCV, adds support for multiple image matching and more.

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